A House Like Mine: Council launches new resource for homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency of homes
A new resource has launched for homeowners and landlords who want to learn how to improve the energy efficiency of their home.
Find out more: A House Like Mine: Council launches new resource for homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency of homes -
Council cabinets and executives set to discuss future shape of Oxfordshire’s local government
Councils across Oxfordshire are set to reply to a government request for interim proposals on the shape of local government reorganisation in the county.
Read more: Council cabinets and executives set to discuss future shape of Oxfordshire’s local government -
Additional £1 million of funding for Covered Market
Oxford City Council has proposed allocating over £1 million of additional funding to enhance the Covered Market redevelopment, bringing total investment to almost £8 million.
Read more: Additional £1 million of funding for Covered Market -
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Swimming lesson uptake doubles in less than 12 months at three Oxford pools
More Leisure Community Trust (MLCT), the operator of five leisure centres in Oxford, is celebrating a 100% increase in swimming lesson sign ups since it began managing the facilities in April 2024.
Oxford City Council’s business plan: New homes, community centres, events and more
Oxford City Council has approved a business plan to create new homes, community centres, events and more across Oxford.
Council agrees £1.75m in grants to help prevent rough sleeping
Oxford City Council has agreed a grant budget of £1.75m to help prevent rough sleeping and single homelessness.